I may just not understand exactly how these proxies work in regards to this software, but I assumed that it would hide your real IP address when searching and posting on blog comments through the No Hands Seo software.
I have been running the software for a few weeks now, on and off, and I recently became aware that my IP address is now on a block list @ stopforumspam.com. When I legitimately tried to sign up to a forum today, I got denied with an error saying my IP was blocked because it is on this "spam list". I went to the website and searched for my IP address and sure enough mine was there with the details showing 2 instances where it was reported from blogs comments with my No Hands Seo keywords as the title. This is the only software I have been using for doing these blog comment backlinks so I assume it has to be from this.
So I guess my question is - When No Hands SEO posts the blog comments, does it use my real IP address? I am using all the default settings including proxy harvester.