crossing wrote:jimbobo2779 wrote:some of the more obscure platforms with less than 100k targets you will not get any targets
Would you please explain that ?
It's exactly as I wrote, some of the platforms in NHSEO simply only have a limited number of websites based on them so even without any keywords there are will only be about 100,000 pages based on that platform. When you add in search keywords the number of pages that match becomes even fewer, when the search keywords are very specific there is less still (or even none). Factor in that NHSEO will not post to the same page more than once and you end up with some searches returning 0 new results.
crossing wrote: Also my profile Search Keywords are "cheap vps, unmanaged vps,kvm, windows vps, cloud servers, kvm vps, europe vps", and anchor text"{cheap vps| cheap vps hosting|unmanaged vps|kvm| vps cheap| cheap linux vps|vps server|server vps| buy vps server| cheap offsore vps|linux vps| vps linux| vps hostin linux| linux vps hosting| cheap vps server| cheap windows vps| vps windows| windows vps| usa vps| europe vps| vps germany| germany vps}" . Its not good ? What would be the right way ?
When your profile Is first started NHSEO will search your initial search keywords, when it has searched these it will find keywords relevant to those (based on a number of search engines and keyword tracking sites) and search those, often these become more specific and return fewer results.
While those keywords are not terrible they are not optimal, when starting your profile out you want to give it the most vague and general keywords relating to your niche as possible so that it is able to find as many targets that are relevant as possible before it moves to more specific keywords. For example in your case for search keywords I would have used some more words like the ones below:
VPS,server,dedicated server,hosting,linux,cloud,servers,VPSs,virtual server,private server
There is nothing wrong with the search keywords you entered but I would have added many more including, but not limited to, the ones I wrote above. These more general, yet still relevant, keywords will give more targets when first searched and also more general search keywords when NHSEO gets round to finidng more relevant keywords to search with.
There is little wrong with your anchor texts really other than there is no need for the space after the | character and again I would probably advise adding in more. With anchors you want to be more specific than you would with search keywords though so don't get that mixed up between the two.