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NHSEO Fast Profit Strategies

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NHSEO Fast Profit Strategies

Postby 4Sight » Mon Jul 14, 2014 9:15 pm


I am new here and just created my first profile, (for a blogger site), I have checked out the topics here on the forum and would like to suggest a thread with the title of this post. I know that No Hands SEO can be a part of a long-term strategy for ranking websites, including money sites, but I wanted to touch on some possibilities for racking up some quick earnings using NHSEO. I have the NHSEO pinger, indexer, and proxy service installed and configured to work with NHSEO...

I'm guessing that many folks, like me are not making much in the 'real world', I have a part-time job that's barely getting me by month-to-month. No med insurance, no retirement benefits, no 401 K matching, no nothing really - we all need to do our part for the 1%, (really the 1% of the 1%) don't we?

I have no concrete methods to accomplish this but do have some general ideas that I hope others will be willing to contribute to. I know that no one wants to give away the "goose that laid the golden egg", but perhaps, working together we can jump-start some ideas.

So here are my thoughts, (most of them pretty obvious I would think):

Trends - search Google trends and find some hot topics, create some Blogger blogs around the topic and use Adsense or CPA offers. With the pinger and indexer installed and working it should be easier to get these hot topics noticed quickly by Google - maybe hit or miss - use Google news and Google Alerts!

Target Youtube, Blogger, Tumblr and Facebook (etc.):

Not that NHSEO only creates spam links, some can be high PR... but there are certain platforms that are very robust and can take a lot of different links - Youtube is notorious for being able to rank quickly. However, Google is constantly trying to make things hard for the 'little guy', so keeping abreast of ranking methods may be of the utmost importance...

Launch Jacking:

Not many niches are as passionate as the IM niche, a quick perusal of sites like JVZoo and the Warrior Form will reveal that many folks are willing to spend their last dollar on the latest "shiny object", sad, but true, but why not siphon up some of this wasted money... (maybe even to use it for a good cause), sites like Muncheye to find future launches, (especially software or wordpress plugins!), and creating a Youtube video and/or a blogger blog around them may be very worthwhile. Squidoo used to be great for this but they have gotten quite 'anal' lately.

Do Facebook Fan pages show up on the first page of Google often? I think that is at least a possibility. It takes how long to set up a Fan page? Hmmm?

And how long to create a NHSEO profile for it....

What else guys?

What do YOU think Jimbo?
Posts: 8
Joined: Thu Jul 10, 2014 1:55 pm

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