by jimbobo2779 » Mon Dec 02, 2013 12:56 pm
I just tried adding your profile to my machine and it worked just fine first time, there is no reason that I could think of that would prevent this from working unless you have some software on your machine that would prevent things from being put into or taken out of the clipboard correctly, though even that seems far fetched.
Also how do you mean the latest version didn't work? The latest version of the trial and/or full version will always update to the latest version and I have yet to hear anyone mention any issue with the latest version of either the trial or the full version.
I can't add profiles to your install without having access to your machine via TeamViewer (free to download and use), I could try this for you though it really should be a case of copy the text from one place and paste it into NHSEO by either right click menu, keyboard shortcut (CTRL + V) or by pressing the clipboard button in the Add Profile Wizard