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keywords problem

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keywords problem

Postby frengo » Sun Jun 30, 2013 6:32 pm

I have set a page profile with this keywords
Code: Select all
mesothelioma,lung cancer,silicosis,asbestos,eternit,amianto,fiber cement,fibro cemento,fibrocemento,cancer de pleura ,cancer na pleura ,malignant pleural,pleural cancer,asbest,mesotelioma,fibre cement,fibrocemento ,cement shingles ,cement fiber,cement fiber shingles ,uralita ,uralita amianto  ,asbestosis,asbestosi,asbesto,asbestus,aspestos,

when I launch, nohands start finding other keywords not related.
Here the log for the process that I have interruped.
Is a configuration problem?

Code: Select all
30/06/2013 20.25 | Setup Job Queue
30/06/2013 20.25 | Finding trending keywords for
30/06/2013 20.25 | Setup Job Queue
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 3 trending keywords to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Updated profile:

30/06/2013 20.25 | Finding trending keywords for
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : Wordpress Comment >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : CommentLuv >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : CommentLuv >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : CommentLuv >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : KeywordLuv >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 3 trending keywords to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Updated profile:

30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : NoFollow Free >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : TopCommentators >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : MovableType >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : DotClear >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Searching Google %22%Nanny cam home invasion%22% : 4images >>
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 0 targets to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 0 targets to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 0 targets to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 0 targets to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Added 0 targets to
30/06/2013 20.25 | Ended SeachQueueHandler Thread
30/06/2013 20.25 | Ended QueueHandler Thread
30/06/2013 20.25 | Ended Monitoring Thread
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Joined: Fri May 31, 2013 8:22 pm

Re: keywords problem

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:36 pm

As you can see from the log NHSEO has had to resort to using trending keywords so your original keywords have been exhausted and all related keywords have been searched for. NHSEO can actually keep finding relevant keywords for a very long time, it would usually take a matter of more than a week or so per keyword entered if they are vague enough, I can see that your search keyword list is pretty decent and should have been able to provide a large amount of running time with at least semi relevant keywords.

Also as you can see from the log your searches are returning 0 targets even on very popular targets such as Wordpress so I would say either you are not running with any proxies and have increased your search threads (lots of search threads are visible) or your proxies are bad. If your proxies are not working or if you are using too many search threads for the amount of proxies you use then searches will finish without finding any results and therefore the search keywords will get exhausted very quicly and NHSEO will be unable to find any relevant keywords so it will have to resort to using trending keywords.
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Re: keywords problem

Postby frengo » Mon Jul 01, 2013 6:08 am

I have checked and I have the same problem with other profile.

So I must change searching threads from 5 to 2 and I need more proxy because harvested proxy is not enough

but how I can reset keyword and launch nohands with same keywords? How you say my keywords list must return a large amount of target and I think that they are not really exhausted

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Re: keywords problem

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:14 pm

To be honest you would be better off not using the harvested proxies for searching as they are just so unreliable because of the amount of users that will think that the few proxies they have harvested can stand 50 searching threads which results in burning them out and making most of them useless for searching. They can be used for posting but will lower the success rate due to them, again, being so unreliable due to over-use/abuse.

You can use the Profile Handler=>Keywords tab to remove any unwanted keywords, highlight all and right-click=>Remove Keyword then save your profile. To get your original keywords to reappear you will then need to go to the profile list and right-click on your profile choose edit and then click the save button. I realise that last part Is a bit convoluted but I just checked the intended way of it being done automatically when the profile is saved via the Profile Handler and it appears to have a bug in it so to be sure do the right-click=>edit profile=>save for now.

I will be adding a reset keywords option to the right click menu of the profile list to aid in this in future, as well as obviously sorting the profile handler save issue.
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Re: keywords problem

Postby frengo » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:48 am

in effect excluding the harvester and loading a greater number of public proxy seems to work better. I'm looking for an honest proxy fee ...

I take this opportunity to ask you some questions.

when I configure a site and tell them I want a maximum of 100 links per day, this limit of 100 link is valid for the whole site and added pages in profile handler or is it to be valid for each crawled page of the site?
eg site 1 and 9 crowled page with links max = 100 what does it do? 10 links for each page or 100 links for each page?

I have a site with over 10,000 post and publish about 200 news per day. what do you think the best configuration for a deep linking?

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Re: keywords problem

Postby jimbobo2779 » Tue Jul 02, 2013 11:53 am

If you set the max links to say 100 a day it will just do 100 for that profile posting a random page from your page list on every post. If you had a 10 page profile it would not guarantee every one of those pages would get exactly 10 links per day but as the pages are pulled randomly the pages should have relatively similar link numbers over time.
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Re: keywords problem

Postby frengo » Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:08 pm

Posts: 11
Joined: Fri May 31, 2013 8:22 pm

Re: keywords problem

Postby frengo » Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:03 pm

in any case I can't understand because with 167 new keywords and a list of 1200 proxy and 5 threads
nohands seo start finding trending keywords
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Re: keywords problem

Postby jimbobo2779 » Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:28 am

It will only do that once it has searched your original keywords and then when it has searched them, found some keywords related to those and searched them and repeated until no more related searches could be found. Once it has done that it will start to search trending keywords. If you reset the keywords (now possible by right-clicking on the profiles in your profile list) for your profiles when you first load up NHSEO there won't be any jobs in the queue to be finished and it won't start trending until it has fully exhausted the original keyword list and its extended keywords.
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