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Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile)

A collection of video and written guides on how to use and customise No Hands SEO to get the best results.

Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile)

Postby jimbobo2779 » Wed Nov 30, 2011 11:23 pm

Getting started with No Hands SEO is really very simple for such a powerful tool but that does not mean that there may be some technical terms you are not familiar with so here is a basic guide on what to do once you have NHSEO installed.

Running No Hands SEO for the first time
When you first load NHSEO it will let you know that it has not found your login details


Simply click the OK button to enter your details, you will be prompted with a further screen as below


When you purchased NHSEO you will have received an email containing your login email address and password, enter these details into their appropriate box, click Login and you should be good to go.


This is the main screen for No Hands SEO that you will see once you have logged in. Here you can see a list of all the profiles in NHSEO and the different options and controls. For this guide I am only going to be covering adding a profile and getting it working for you. Before promoting your websites you will want to add it as a profile, this is a very quick process and can be done directly from this screen using the controls in the "Add Profile" box.


In this set of controls we have three input boxes for the basic website(or page) details, an option to choose whether it is a whole website you want to promote or just a page, and an "Advanced" checkbox. For this example we will not be covering the advanced option as it is not needed unless you have specific settings that you wish to use for this profile.

First you will want to enter in the full address of your website or page


In this example I will be using the No Hands SEO website to show the type of input you will want to give the tool to work on your website. The full address is the exact address that you would enter in to your web browser to get to your website or webpage. It is very important that this address have the "http://" at the beginning and be in keeping with the linking scheme that you have on your website.

For example if your website is based around using www. you would enter in as your website address but if you do not have the inner links of your website using the www. you would enter

As we are using the No Hands SEO website as an example I will leave the website/page option set to website. As the profile is set as a website it will crawl the website to find inner pages and promote these instead of just the homepage, this gives a much more natural linking pattern and should see better results overall. Another reason for entering as a website is the whois submissions, whois websites only accept a domain and as such page profiles are not submitted to them, whois sites are great for getting indexed quickly.


The "Search Keywords" are the keywords that No Hands SEO will find your targets based on. Here there are 3 main types of input you can go for that all have different end results:
1) Keywords Relevant to your niche - with keywords relevant to your niche you will find higher quality links as the search engines tend to favour links to your website from other related websites. Certain niches can create a lower percentage of approved comments and trackbacks so if you are in the SEO, finance, medical or (some) entertainment niches you may struggle to find a decent %age of links sticking.
2) Known High Performing Keywords - as you do more commenting and trackbacking you may notice that some keywords are particularly high performing and decide to use these for more links, though these are not necessarily relevant to your website often the higher chance of getting links to stick can out weigh the lack in relevancy. It is not easy to get people to tell you their high performing keywords but products (especially electronic or gadget style products can perform well) tend to perform well.
3) No Keywords at all - unlike nearly every tool out there you do not actually need to enter any keywords to NHSEO. One of NHSEO's useful features is its ability to endlessly find linking targets by searching for keywords to use for searching, this feature will find related keywords to your initial seed keywords but it will also pull trending keywords from many sources when it runs out of relevant keywords to use. Entering no keywords will force NHSEO to use the keywords from your website or if no keywords are present will go straight to finding trending keywords (often relatively high performing) and use these to find linking targets.

Whichever option you choose to go with is fine but do be aware that not all keywords are alike and if you are considering using dictionary words for your search terms you would probably be better off not entering any at all. For this example I will be entering in relevant keywords for the website as I am not too concerned with quantity as much as quality so I have opted for entering just 3 keywords "backlinks", "SEO software" and "SEO automation". Entering these three keywords will be sufficient for endless backlinking opportunities.

Often people make the mistake of entering hundreds of keywords as they have used another tool to do the keyword research for them but this is not necessary as NHSEO will do the keyword research for you, instead of using a third party keyword research tool it is better to just enter in your initial keywords into this box.

Your keywords should be separated by a comma only, no need for spaces, and does not support spinning so do not try to use it. Just enter in the keywords and commas do not enter in any non-alphanumeric characters or footprints as these are not needed and should be handled in other sections of the tool, to be covered in a later guide.


The Anchor text is what the text of the link will be, this is what the search engines are looking for when deciding what your website is all about. If you wanted to rank for the term cars you would enter cars into this box. It is important that you are entering anchor texts that you wish your website to be ranking better for, use terms that an actual user is likely to enter into a search box to find the content on your website.

In this example I used the anchor text below:
{Auto|Automatic|Automated} {backlinking|blog commenting|indexing|SEO} {tool|software|program}

This may look funny to some that are unfamiliar with spinning text (spintax), spintax is when you use the curly brackets, { and }, and separating characters, |, to create multiple possible outcomes of anchor text. Below I have listed a few possible outcomes from the example input:
Auto blog commenting program
Automatic indexing tool
Automated backlinking software

That one short bit of text actually equates to 36 different anchor texts which means I will be targetting these 36 keywords/phrases.

The opening curly bracket, {, signifies a start of some spinnable text and should always be followed up with a closing curly bracket, }, and each option within those curly brackets is separated by the seperater character, |. As you type the indicator to the right of the anchor text box will show you whether what is written is correct and usable spintax. This can be confusing to start with but once you get used to using spintax it is a very simple way to generate multiple possible anchor texts to give a more rounded linking pattern.

The separator character is not the letter "L" and it is not the letter "I" nor is it the number "1" it is its own character and can be found above the backslash character "\". Pressing shift and the backslash will give you the separator character and it is usually in the bottom left corner of your keyboard.

It is always a good idea to enter in multiple anchor text possibilities as it looks more natural and will allow you to increase search engine rankings for more than just one keyword or phrase.

Once you have done all of this click the "Add Profile" button and you will see in a second or two the profile will appear in the profile list to show that you have successfully entered your first profile and are ready to get promoting at the click of a button.


From here on out all you need to do is click the start Image button and No Hands SEO will take care of the rest.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby viperpray » Sun Jul 22, 2012 12:27 pm

So i ran this for the hole 7 day trial never stopped it paused it or anything only 127 confirmed links it looked allot like your front page image there was allot more comments and trackbacks andso on posted but like i said at the end of the trial thats all there was and for 7 days thats a joke? please tel me something happened to the copy i got and this isnt normal behavior and please tell me what i could do to fix this?
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby bookbuyer16 » Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:50 pm

How often should I run this software?
And then how long for please?
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:52 pm

viperpray wrote:So i ran this for the hole 7 day trial never stopped it paused it or anything only 127 confirmed links it looked allot like your front page image there was allot more comments and trackbacks andso on posted but like i said at the end of the trial thats all there was and for 7 days thats a joke? please tel me something happened to the copy i got and this isnt normal behavior and please tell me what i could do to fix this?

It is now too late to tell what could have happened as you waited till the end of the trial. I will say that the number of links created suggests that you just got links from the whois sites due to bad proxies being entered in for searching. This is by far the most common issue users have with NHSEO. If you use private proxies or no proxies you will get lots of links.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 2:52 pm

bookbuyer16 wrote:How often should I run this software?
And then how long for please?

For as long as is necessary to get the amount of links that you require. Generally as long and often as possible but it is down to you as the user to decide how much you want.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby viperpray » Sun Jul 29, 2012 3:48 pm

k re-installed windows on day 2 no proxy's only 195 links.

Also i would not say as many back links as you want more like as many as it takes you to get to the top of your targeted key words. how ever no hands seo is no hands i still suggest using a pinger to give the site links you post you url on a better chance at being indexed. and to have more weight from that link to go to your goal.

I would mention one i like personally how ever i wouldn't wan't to be in violation of any rules. Also before i am told no hands seo has a pinger i dont just mean ping the urls to a couple search engines i'm talking ping each link to several thousand sites that will all link back to the url your posting your link on ;) remember the better the sites you link is posted on the more help they are to you. specifically the page its posted on remember its page rank not site rank.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 6:31 pm

Linklicious, lindexed and backlinks indexer are all supported under the Settings=>Indexing tab.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby viperpray » Wed Aug 01, 2012 7:27 am

any idea how to fix my back link issue the only back links i get i have tried using proxy's i have tried using no proxy's i have tried many many things. installing on other ppls computers and so on and so forth no confirmed other then the couple of whois it posts to
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby jimbobo2779 » Wed Aug 01, 2012 8:13 pm

If you are running with too many searching threads then your IP will be getting blocked via the search engines. Long anchor texts will also drastically lower number of links as well as a lot of other settings.

The best thing is to use absolute default settings ( no proxies, 15 Max Threads, 1 Searching thread, all platforms enabled, no limits) and then change one setting at a time.

If you require further assistance getting up and running could you either email support at or post in the support sub-forum as this is meant as a guide thread not a support thread.
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Re: Getting Started (Setting up NHSEO and your first profile

Postby mol » Mon Dec 21, 2015 6:13 pm

What's the meaning of the number in the PAGES column?
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