There are three types of outcome for any post:
1) Failed post
2) Successful post
3) Confirmed link
Obviously a failed post is where a link post was not accepted in any form so these will never result in a link.
A successful post is where the website accepted the submission but did not result in an auto-accepted link, therefore these do not have a link right away. There is a chance that these posts will result in a link later on when the webmaster moderates the comment/post. Obviously the chances of a successful post becoming a link later on is less likely if you are not using good proxies and custom comments that look genuine, using the built in comments will lower the chance of a successful post resulting in a link later on.
A Confirmed link is where a link was automatically accepted, this means that a link is live right now on that page. If you are looking for links these are the pages you want to be looking at and NOT the successful posts.