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Spin Rewriter

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Spin Rewriter

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Jul 22, 2013 2:50 pm

What is Spin Rewriter? Goto website
Spin Rewriter is an automated text rewriting tool that will take your input text, for example when writing your custom comments, and create spinnable text from it. Spin Rewriter is considered to produce some of the most readable spinning text and has become very popular recently due to the readability of its spun text.

It does have a monthly charge of $27 so it is one of the more expensive spinning options but it has been added due to many people requesting it on the grounds of the quality of the spinning text it returns.

How to Integrate Spin Rewriter with No Hands SEO
There are a few of settings involved with Spin Rewriter but most of these are not necessary to get it working with No Hands SEO, simply follow the steps below:
1) In NHSEO go to the Settings => Spinners tab
2) Check the "Use Spin Rewriter" checkbox
3) Fill in your Spin Rewriter email address and API key in their respective input boxes
4) Change any Spinner Rewriter specific settings you want to change
5) Click the "Save" button in the "Save Settings" panel

How to use Spin Rewriter with No Hands SEO
In any input that is spinnable simply right-click and select the "Auto Spin" option, this will send the article to Spin Rewriter for re-writing.
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