No Hands Pinger is a free tool for pinging websites, webpages and backlinks. It was designed as a simple tool for pinging the new links created by No Hands SEO but also accepts lists of pages.
Even though NHSEO has a built in pinger for newly created links it obviously takes up time that could potentially be spent searching and posting. This is where the free No Hands Pinger comes into play, it can handle the pinging while NHSEO continues to create new links for your websites.
How do I setup No Hands Pinger?
Getting No Hands Pinger setup is very simple and requires just 1 checkbox in NHSEO, also once it is setup it is done and usable:
1) Goto the Settings tab

2) Uncheck "Ping Confirmed Links" - this is because NHSEO will no longer be doing the pinging of your new links, this will be the work of No Hands Pinger from now on

3) Goto the indexing tab

4) Check the option labelled "Send Confirmed Links to No Hands Pinger"

5) Save the settings

6) All done
This is not intended to be used in conjunction with the NHSEO built in pinging but instead of, though there are no major negative effects from having both NHSEO and NHP pinging your newly created links it is a bit wasteful of your posting time.
With No Hands Pinger setup, No Hands SEO will automatically send every generated confirmed link to No Hands Pinger for sending pings to the major search engines and other websites. If NHP is not running when links are created they will be loaded in automatically the next time NHP is loaded up (providing it is at least installed when the links are created).