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PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 3:54 pm
by jimbobo2779
What is Lindexed? - website - purchase
Lindexed is a service to help get your links indexed. Whenever No Hands SEO generates and confirms a link it will send it to Lindexed automatically.

Lindex will do the following to your links:
Generate rss feeds of your links.
Ping rss feeds of your links.
Generate xml sitemaps of your links.
Ping xml sitemaps of your links.
Generate content pages with your links.

What all this means is that your links will get noticed by the search engines much quicker than just pinging them so you should start seeing the benefit of them much quicker.

How do I setup Lindexed?
Setting up Lindexed is a one time thing and very simple, simply follow the instructions below:
1) Login to Lindexed members area
2) Click on the "API" link in the navigation bar at the top of the page
3) Copy the "Lindexed API Key"
4) Go into No Hands SEO
5) Go to the Settings => Indexing tab
6) Paste the Lindexed API Key to the "API Key" input box in the "Lindexed Settings" panel
7) Check the "Send Confirmed Links to Lindexed" checkbox
8) Set the amount of links you want to create for each profile before sending to Lindexed
9) Check "Send unsent links on Stop" to send all unsent new confirmed links to lindexed when you stop the posting process.
10) Click the "Save" button in the "Save Settings" panel to save the settings.
11) Click the "Test Lindexed" button to check everything comes back ok and you are done.

With Lindexed setup NHSEO will automatically send every generated confirmed link to Lindexed to get indexed in the search engines much quicker.

Re: Lindexed

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 6:31 am
by webdesign seo
Will be useful for users to know that Lindexed and Linklicious are paid services. jimbobo2779, why to make link building and to pay for fast indexing of some pages that are not my property? On page probably will be many comments. Using of both Lindexed and Linklicious is useful only for links from social bookmarks and article directories.

Re: Lindexed

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:28 pm
by jimbobo2779
They were requested so they were added.

In this post there is a link to "purchase" and in the post about linklicious I talk about its price so I haven't tried to hide anything about them being paid services.

Re: Lindexed

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:32 am
by webdesign seo
You have right, i see now that you have integration with other services by request.

Re: Lindexed

PostPosted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:07 pm
by fibercarbon
thats why in the next update of no hands seo hes going to add the ability to the program to automatically ping verified good baacklinks so they actually get indexed and are of value.. what good is a non indexed backlink???? No good at ALL!!! :) the program is making the links its just not finishing the job and pinging/indexing them :) once it does that it will be all in one. plus im sure its not to to hard to add a article spinner to eliminate the need to pay for spinning and indexing!! Jim Can do it!! hes the man!! once this is accomplished no hands seo will be the BEST ALL in one Seo automated tool in the world!!
Once you add both those features built in and advertise that everywhere the program will skyrocket in sales and satisfaction of current users.. you can thank me for the brilliant ideas!! :mrgreen:

Re: Lindexed

PostPosted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 10:46 am
by jimbobo2779
Indexing is something that is totally optional and is really debatable whether it has a major impact on rankings and traffic. fibrecarbon is right about that aspect though in that there will soon be a No Hands branded indexer that will be very easily integrated with NHSEO that will do this job without having to pay for any monthly services.

Pinging however is something that has been integrated in NHSEO since the day it was released and as such is not needed to be added. Pinging is even setup correctly and enabled by default.