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Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed links

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Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed links

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Dec 12, 2011 1:54 pm

*UPDATE* - This was written with far fewer platforms supported in NHSEO, the figures are now not really indicative of what you will see (they should be higher now) but they go to show that certain search keywords are much better performing than others.

Often I will receive emails from people asking why they are receiving "a low amount of links" and in the vast majority of cases it comes down to the fact that the search keyword choice or the use of bad proxies is the cause for this so I decided to write this little guide to help others in future.

Bad Keywords
The number of auto-approve links you will be able to harvest with No Hands SEO is directly proportionate to the search keywords used in your profile. If certain keywords are used you will be limiting the number of links you can get for that profile. Examples of some poor performing keyword groups are listed below:
  • Finance
  • Medical
  • Health
  • Real Estate
  • SEO
  • Dictionary (verbs, nouns etc)

The opposite is also true in that there are groups that are relatively high performing, it is unlikely that anyone will share their list of high performing keywords but I have run a test on some sample profiles to show how the different keywords have such a large impact on the number of confirmed links you will receive.

Testing Results
This test was put together to show roughly how changing just the keywords of a profile can make a massive difference to the overall link numbers that your profiles receive. To do the test I setup 6 page profiles so there would be no website crawling or whois posting to muddle the results. I set to post once per domain only and left all other settings as default.

The keyword groups I used were Finance, Medical, Health, Real Estate, SEO and Tech Products. The first 5 keyword groups were chosen as they are considered low performing and the Tech Products keywords were chosen due to them being considered good performing. This is merely meant as an example on how keywords affect the number of links a profile will receive when all other settings are kept the same.

The results were as follows:

As you can see the difference in performance between all of the poor keywords and the good keywords is night and day. Getting used to what keywords are good and which are bad is mostly experience but you should be able to pick things up by reading on forums about blog commenting, often the same rules apply for trackbacks as they do for blog comments.
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Re: Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed li

Postby daver » Wed Nov 14, 2012 5:13 pm

I set to post once per domain only and left all other settings as default.

Had a look and can't find this setting. Where can I find this setting in NHSEO?
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Re: Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed li

Postby jimbobo2779 » Wed Nov 14, 2012 11:02 pm

It is in each of the respective Platform tabs in the Settings=>Platform tab, it is set active as default though as it is highly suggested that it be used so as not to waste time posting to sites that will never auto-accept or accept through moderation your comments.
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Re: Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed li

Postby Khalaf » Mon Sep 16, 2013 3:15 pm

Thanks Very inspiring and usefull test
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Re: Keyword Choice and how it affects number of confirmed li

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:44 pm

I just thought it might be necessary think to point out that this post is from 2011 now and is very out of date. That is not to say that keywords do not have a large impact on the number of links you will receive but it should be the case that more links are made in a much shorter amount of time as in the past.
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