by jimbobo2779 » Wed Mar 21, 2012 7:17 pm
Careful how you post and the language you use. This post is quite inflammatory and accusational and is not constructive at all.
If blog commenting were "not THIS hard" there would be many people making mroe effective backlinking tools that require a simiolar amount of effort to run. If you are not aware the creators of some of the best SEO software available have made their own NHSEO clones and have not been able to approach anywhere near the effectiveness of NHSEO. If you look at any of the comparisons they create in the region of 50% the amount of links and are spread across a bunch of shitty platforms such as guestbooks (no relevancy, massively heavily spammed, known bad neighbourhoods and overly abused websites).
The idea that in the 9+ months since NHSEO was released it hasn't improved leaps and bounds (to the point no other tool can approach anywhere close to what NHSEO offers in number of links, quality of links and number of options) and been looked into at great lengths to ensure everything is working 100% and to its fullest is quite offensive to be honest with you. A learning mode would be possible but is very much against the idea of No Hands SEO in that it should be possible to use it to its fullest out of the box without having to change any settings, a learning mode is not planned for the future.
I will allow your other post and extend the same warning about how you conduct yourself on the forum, if you have suggestions or require support that is fine but please do not accuse or claim outrageous things such as NHSEO still being in beta when there are no bugs in it and it is far more effective than any of its competition in every measurable way.