by jimbobo2779 » Thu Sep 20, 2012 4:02 pm
I know this was posted a while ago now but Im just trying to tie up loose ends on the forum.
If/when this is added it likely won't be something that is done on every post but via the profile handler to pull titles once and then saved to the page in the DB, this would save a lot of extra overhead.
The main problem I see with this idea is that a lot of pages of a lot of websites have overly long titles which would not be at all suitable for using as anchor text so it will need to be something that happens in front of the user, hence through the profile handler. Other than that little restriction there is no reason it cannot be done more or less how you suggested with the grabbed title being spun with suggested keywords, though at least 100 suggestions may be a little optimistic as I find it is difficult to get that amount of similar relevant keywords.
EDIT: I see what you wrote now, use the title for getting suggestions in the first place. Just as doable tbh and there is no reason that it couldn't be done either/both ways with an option.