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Issues After Upgrade

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Issues After Upgrade

Postby mccullek » Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:19 am

I have a small problem. I entered some of my own spun comments to my profiles, and when I went back and tried to remove the comments I can't remove them. I can erase them and save the profile, but if you open the profile again, those comments are still there. I've deleted them numerous times with no luck? Not sure if they are actually posting either?

Not sure if the issue has anything to do with the new update, but I did update tonight before placing the comments.

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Re: Issues After Upgrade

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sun Jan 22, 2012 8:55 am

I can't recreate this problem, it is possible that it was an issue related to an older version. Is it still happening in the latest version?
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Re: Issues After Upgrade

Postby rslaing » Sun Jan 22, 2012 1:34 pm

mccullek wrote:I have a small problem. I entered some of my own spun comments to my profiles, and when I went back and tried to remove the comments I can't remove them. I can erase them and save the profile, but if you open the profile again, those comments are still there. I've deleted them numerous times with no luck? Not sure if they are actually posting either?

Not sure if the issue has anything to do with the new update, but I did update tonight before placing the comments.


I was getting this too, but it was because I was trying to put my new comments.txt file in the program folder. I assumed the built in comments were somewhere else in the program (as well as being in the program folder) because they were still loading up, so as soon as I saved my custom comments in another folder (in my case documents\nhseo-stuff) and used the "custom comments file/import from file" bit in the profile handler section, it worked fine. I hope this has helped.

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Re: Issues After Upgrade

Postby mccullek » Sun Jan 22, 2012 3:23 pm

I placed my spun comments directly into the comment section and did not import them from a file, so is that a problem? Do we have to save our spun comments to a file and import them only, or can we copy and past them straight into the comment section on the advanced tab? I actually pasted mine straight in, so let me know if I am doing this wrong.
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Re: Issues After Upgrade

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:16 pm

Entering your desired comments through the profile handler is a fine way to enter in your comments, it is not necessary to load from a file but it is an option if that is preferable.
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