This was brought up in the
Captcha Sniper thread in the Supporting Services forum, you can read my response by clicking on that link.
Basically something has changed in the new version of CS so it is not solving or is solving incorrectly some of the base captchas, everything with NHSEO is setup fine and is sending captchas and receiving responses (as can be seen in your screenshot) so there is nothing that needs to be or even can be changed in NHSEO.
I haven't had chance to look at the new CS yet so I cannot say what is happening here or if there is even anything that can be done but it is not a NHSEO issue so there is nothing that I can do. I will be looking into it at some point to see how CS should be setup in the new version but as of now I am not sure how that should be setup and I am prioritising updates to NHSEO right now.