The verified links is how many links have been created (its how many links have been automatically confirmed).
Posted is how many posts have been made successfully
Keyword Progress is how many keywords have been searched out of how many are in the list, this is automatically expanded (see below for further explanation)
Whois progress is how many whois pages have been created out of the list, this does not expand automatically.
Unless you have opted to only search your original keywords when all search keywords have been searched No Hands SEO will automatically go off and find more keywords that are related to those original keywords and then use those for searching and so on, this will continue until no more relevant keywords can be found at which point (unless you have the opted selected to not use trending keywords) it will begin using random trending keywords to continue building links.
I can say from there only being 4150 successful posts after the 3k+ whois posts that there is a least 1 of many things that are setup inefficiently here:
26 keywords x 57 platforms x 2 search engines should generate many thousands of targets for posting to not just 1-2k posts, this could be really bad search keywords (
read here for profile setup with explanation of search keywords), bad proxies resulting in few posts actually being successful, very long anchor text (longer than 35 characters can diminish the amount of sites that accept your link) resulting in most pages refusing the post, very tight limits on PR, OBL and/or bad words lists.
Ultimately you need to look at the log while running and consider what settings you have been changed, nearly everything would become clear by looking at the log while posting.