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Settings for 2Captcha shooting the new Google reCAPTCHA

Guides for setting up No Hands Proxies with the most common software and tools that require proxies.

Settings for 2Captcha shooting the new Google reCAPTCHA

Postby GeeMee » Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:23 pm

Hey guys. Can i use with no hands SEO? It's said to be able to solve reCAPTCHAs so I'd like to try and combine the two tools. The service is cheap as I don't knnow what and is able to solve 'match the images' CAPTCHAs which seems awesome to me. Would be great if you had some wort of tutorial. TY in advance!
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Re: Settings for 2Captcha shooting the new Google reCAPTCHA

Postby jimbobo2779 » Sat Jun 27, 2015 2:50 pm

This question is referring to No Hands SEO so it will be moved to the correct section in a few days.

Yes you can use 2Captcha with No Hands SEO, this can be setup via the Setup Wizard or in the Advanced Settings.
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