The Text Rewriter is where you can easily setup your spinning text for use in anchor texts and/or custom comments and have them input directly to that control. It can be a great way of seeing example outputs of your spinning text, whether it is valid or not as well as some further information about the text.
The Text Rewriter can be opened up by right-clicking on any input that accepts spinning (any anchor text or comment input) and is advised when writing any custom comment but can also be used to write effective anchor texts.
The Text Rewriter is made up of 2 main control groups, Input Text and Output, the top group is where you can input your spinning text and the bottom group is where you can see how it will look when it is used in No Hands SEO.

The Input controls consists of 2 or 3 buttons and a single text input box. The Auto Spin option is only available when you have integrated one of the supported spinners via the Settings => Spinners tab. All of the controls are explained below:
Save: This will save the text to the corresponding input that the Text Rewriter was opened from.
Auto Spin: This will send the input text to the integrated spinner service and auto spin it, the auto spun text is then placed into th einput box
Cancel: This will close the Text Rewriter and not save the text.
To test out your spinning text you will add it into the text box. There is a quick indicator of whether the input text is valid spinning text next to the Save button which is a green box with a tick when the text is valid and a red box with a cross in it if it is not valid. The Text Info box also shows whether the text is valid along with other details about the text.

In the Output group there are just 3 controls:
Auto Re-Spins? This will re-spin the input text and show a different output every time the input text is changed, this shouldn't use much of the system resources and is great at quickly visualizing how the output text will look once it has been spun by NHSEO. There isn't really a reason not to leave this checked
Respin Text: Clicking this button will repsin the text and show the new output in the Output text box. Once you have finished writing your spinning text it is a good idea to press this button a few times to make sure the output text is as readable as you like.
Auto Stats? This will update the Text Info every time a change is made to your input text.
The output text is what will be output by No Hands SEO when it makes a post with that text, this is great for checking whether your output text is readable and that it makes sense.