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Strategic game plan?

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Strategic game plan?

Postby hayfj » Mon Dec 24, 2012 10:26 am

Once we set NHSSEO to run....

Do you recommend a particular strategy or game plan, for example....

1. Create 50 NEW inbound links to your sites (Level 1 / Tier 1 )
2. Add these 50 new L1/T1 links as new profiles, and create 50 new inbound links to each of those L1/T1 urls to ceate 2500 L2/T2 urls pointing to the 50 L1/T1 urls?
3. Repeat 2, and Add these 2500 new L2/T2 links as new profiles, and create 50 new inbound links to each of those L2/T2 urls to ceate 125000 urls

is there logic in the thinking, or is it flawed?

Is it better to have say 5000 inbound links with keyword loaded anchor text to the main site or 500 inbound links and 500 each pointing to those links hopefully adding weight to the first set? Hopefully Im explaining what i mean. Just wonder if there is a way to facilitate this within the software without importing and exporting etc, or is it a complete waste of time.

What is the best strategic game plan for tactically deploying the software?
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Re: Strategic game plan?

Postby jimbobo2779 » Tue Dec 25, 2012 12:08 am

That can be done but adding just 50 profiles would be time consuming and adding 2500 would be lots of work. You can add multiple pages to a single profile in the "Add Profile" bottom section labelled "Add Multiple Pages to a Single Profile" and using this would probably make more sense than adding each link one at a time.

Personally I would do a mix of promoting direct to money sites and to other linking pages but ensure that when linking direct to your money site that you use lots of anchor text variation. I know it isn't a definitive answer but maybe another member could give their views on this, ultimately different people in different niches will have different experiences and results so it is hard to say.
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Re: Strategic game plan?

Postby vikasbook » Tue Jan 08, 2013 8:21 am

I personally like your strategy but don't recommend to follow as it is not mentioned hare that what exactly link you would get. If you mean to have just profile links so sorry they can not give you exact benefit of true SEO. Its not game of about link building but about to gain real brand with selected keywords
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