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Run NHSEO on Windows VPS Inside Dropbox

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Run NHSEO on Windows VPS Inside Dropbox

Postby thecashbag » Mon Feb 27, 2012 9:17 am


I used to have NHSEO setup on my windows VPS. But when it crashed I couldn't be bothered to reset all the info for it... so I haven't used it in a while.

I want to set it up on my Windows VPS again, but I think the best thing to do would be to set it up inside Dropbox so that if/when my server crashes, all I have to do it re sync dropbox and it will be all ready to go again.

Do you see any problems with that?

Should I install the portable version directly inside the dropbox folder and run it from there? The website says the portable version is only for "advanced users"... does that mean its buggy and/or takes much more configuration? Is the portable version exactly the same as the standard version?

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Re: Run NHSEO on Windows VPS Inside Dropbox

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:58 pm

I do foresee big problems doing this. As NHSEO is constantly accessing a database having to update dropbox on every DB update would be hard on the connection and I'm not even sure if it wouldn't cause errors.

You would be far better off just running it and occassionally copying the DATABASE.db3 to keep a baclup of it. Also the free version of dropbox has a 2Gb limit which would easily be eaten up by NHSEO after a short while.

The portable runs exactly the same as the installed version except for accessing the DB in the same folder as the .exe and some differences in how you update the tool
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