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can nhseo handle my 27 profile load?

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can nhseo handle my 27 profile load?

Postby howit » Mon Nov 18, 2013 1:23 am

i have have 27 pages I want to run nhseo with I just got a hold of 10 prvt proxies. my question is is this to many for nhs to handle? im sure u would recommend vps but can u recommend specs for a project this big? also with youtube vids what is the setup u recommend and types of backlinks? ok thanks ttyl.
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Re: can nhseo handle my 27 profile load?

Postby jimbobo2779 » Mon Nov 18, 2013 10:50 am

NHSEO can easily handle 27 pages, there really isn't a limit as to how many it can handle but lots of people are using multiple profiles each with hundreds of pages so 27 shouldn't be a problem at all. 10 proxies should be fine for running with 1-2 searching threads but I wouldn't go much more than that to prevent them getting burnt out too quickly.

A vps can be great for running 24/7 uninterrupted but it is by no means a necessity. You could always try running it on your laptop and if you find it is bogging down your internet connection or you are having to leave it turned off for longer than you want then you may want to look into a VPS. For a VPS you will want at least 1Gb of ram and for the hard drive speed to be decent, an SSD based VPS is ideal for NHSEO.

I see in the support forum you ask what is the best setup to use for Youtube vids, well YT vid pages are generally very robust as they are on one of the most authoritative domains going so you shouldn't need to worry about link quality. A couple of things I always advise for all pages is that you add in as much variation to your profiles as possible, variation in your anchor texts and variation in your comments.

Custom comments are great so long as they are very varied, you can make use of the tags in comments to add in more variation if you like as well, just make sure that everything is as varied as possible and you should be fine.

One mistake that a surprising amount of people make is to set YT vid profiles as website profiles, do not do this. A website profile is crawled to find inner pages of the profile for promotion, you do not want this at all with a YT profile as you only want to be promoting your vids and not your competitors. Just something to keep in mind when setting up your profiles.
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