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No Hands SEO on Mac OS

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No Hands SEO on Mac OS

Postby jadmanx » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:45 am

hey i whant to buy a mac book but i whant to know that No Hands SEO runs with

there some infos how no hands seo is programm ? in visual basic ? c++ ? .NET Framework?

or is some mac userer here to can test it for me please ???

i know that no hand seo worke 100% with Parallels but than you must use 20gb for windows...
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Re: No Hands SEO on Mac OS

Postby jimbobo2779 » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:57 am

I'm not sure about how much HDD space Parallels takes up but the only way to ensure 100% compatibility is to run some form of Windows on your Mac either by Parallels (as you stated), another VM software, Bootcamp or WineX (I believe WineX will emulate .NET applications just fine).

However whichever route you choose you would probably be better off simply getting a Windows laptop or a VPS to go along with the Mac. It is my experience that a lot of people buying Macs these days will jump through many hoops to get the software that they want to run when it would likely have been cheaper and easier to just get a Windows laptop or alternatively get a Windows VPS to accompany your Mac machine.

No Hands SEO is a .NET 2.0 application, I am not sure if Codeweavers fully supports .NET apps, due to how popular and common .NET apps are these days I would imagine it would be supported but you would need to contact their support to confirm this.
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