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EEekk! Forgot my login!

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EEekk! Forgot my login!

Postby hackersmovie » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:09 pm

I am moving NHSEO to my new VPS and have forgotten which of the many email addresses I used when I originally purchased! What can I do to get access to re download the software?
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Re: EEekk! Forgot my login!

Postby hackersmovie » Fri Apr 05, 2013 8:35 pm

I was able to download the trial version and move my database to the VPS. What do I have to do to re-register or whatever so that NHSEO will continue to run?
Posts: 56
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:08 am

Re: EEekk! Forgot my login!

Postby jimbobo2779 » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:34 pm

Its the same email address as used to register your forum account. You can use the forgotten password system to get a new password and then when you are in your account you can change it to something easier to remember.

Also when you are in your members area you can download the latest installer in there, this will simply replace the No Hands SEO program files, but still leave your profiles and settings untouched. If you want to keep all your settings and profiles from your original machine you can use this guide on how to transfer NHSEO settings and profiles in the guide section of the forum.
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Re: EEekk! Forgot my login!

Postby hackersmovie » Sat Apr 06, 2013 4:33 pm

jimbobo2779 wrote:Its the same email address as used to register your forum account. You can use the forgotten password system to get a new password and then when you are in your account you can change it to something easier to remember.

Also when you are in your members area you can download the latest installer in there, this will simply replace the No Hands SEO program files, but still leave your profiles and settings untouched. If you want to keep all your settings and profiles from your original machine you can use this guide on how to transfer NHSEO settings and profiles in the guide section of the forum.

I actually just changed my email associated with the forum, does that also change the email addy for the software? I suggest it doesn't because I tried the new email addy to login to the members area and it's not working....

Any other ideas?
Posts: 56
Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 3:08 am

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