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HMA Proxies + Resubmit

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HMA Proxies + Resubmit

Postby dalfontion » Fri Feb 22, 2013 12:19 pm

I found some info but just want to check. If each day I am just pasting the whole list from Hide My Ass Proxies, does NHSEO auto check proxies and remove dead ones? Also should I even worry about proxies seeing as I am not getting Google to check PR for me, and it's unlikely I would get banned from many sites for too many posings i.e. NHSEO isn't going to go off the rails and just spam one page to death plus there's no way Google is going to know all these links are coming from my IP (I assume). Also I assume that even with a massive list, NHSEO will just cycle through the proxies?

Also for the whoise sites, does NHSEO try and resubmit at a later date if it fails?
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Re: HMA Proxies + Resubmit

Postby jimbobo2779 » Fri Feb 22, 2013 11:25 pm

To be honest I haven't used HMA in a very long time so I am unsure how suitable they are for use with NHSEO, I do know a year or so ago there were a few people using HMA that didn't have good results but again that was a while ago now so I really cannot say. Also NHSEO won't check the proxies, for now, as it is assumed that the proxies would be private (should be reliable) or public proxies that are loaded in from another tool that periodically checks the proxies.

You are correct that you only NEED proxies if you are checking for PR but they also allow you to run with more than 1 searching thread so using proxies can help to increase links created by quite a lot. It is possible that you will get your IP noticed and placed onto a black list such as akismet so using proxies for posting can also increase links as they help to get past these checks. In all proxies are rarely needed but will increase link numbers and will lower any chance of getting your IP noticed or creating a noticeable backlink footprint. I personally run with private proxies as they are faster, reliable and provide maximum benefit.
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