Whois work fine and there is very little chance that side of the program will ever stop working, unless I drastically change something. If whois are not being posted it is one of the following at play: 1) You are posting page profiles (whois sites accept websites not pages so it is pointless postin...
Hi, Posted Whois links are not working anymore, haven't been for while. Ive checked settings and reinstalled with new database, tried everything i can think of.
Simple solution would be to turn off the Proxy Harvester (there was a pop-up message about this many updates back) and restart the app. If you do not have private proxies or a software to harvest and check proxies automatically and constantly then you are better off running without proxies and sett...
Since the update my NHSEO doesnt work so well. All it seems to do now is check proxies and remove them, It does not post comments or posts less of them. I have Captcha Sniper and now not even Captchas are getting solved, so i know for sure its not posting to blogs etc. All i have done is update when...
Thanks for helping Itachi, I would like to point out though that the comments.txt file is overwritten on every update so editing this would be a temporary edit that would fix itself eventually. You would be much better off setting a custom comment on a profile basis so you can keep your comments re...
Don't know if i have mine set up correct, ive left it running for over a hour now and had no harvest proxies. I left mine at 900000 and ticked use proxy harvester. Looking at the log its checking them and removing them, but still have no harvest proxies.